Thursday, September 17, 2009

Paint Party

The "new" thing around town or maybe the "new" thing to me are these paint parties. You pick a picture from a monthly calendar and then show up and paint. Actually, the picture design is penciled in for you, set up on an easel, paints and brushes provided, and then the instructor leads you through the colors. My first picture was the French Quarter Balcony! I paid $35 to paint and keep the picture. Some people may choose to put their pictures in an auction if they don't have a place for them or if they "stink."
Oh the other fun part is that you can bring in your own food and drinks. Wine, tea, beer,....whatever!! The thing is I was so busy painting that I barely finished my one beer!!
You can also go as groups. Thanks to my friend Liz for organizing us...really just pushing me to stay out past my bedtime on a school night! That's one thing you'll learn about me as time goes on. I'm kind of a "granny" in my rountine! BUT, so is Annie, another friend. She was ready to go before me.

Here it is...the finished product! I was so sure I had a place to hang it in my house and now I don't know where to put it!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just Getting Started

Today is my first day....blogging!!! I have found myself addicted to following people's blogs, starting with my cousin's! I might not have a very interesting life, not married, no kids...but I still think my life is kind of interesting! AND hopefully will get more and more exciting.

My blog title....besides loving the movie "As Good As it Gets," I have a hard time accepting that where I am in my life now may be "As Good As it Gets." BUT....I want to learn to be happy with what I have each day and quit worrying so much about what my future holds. I want to say that "If this IS as good as it gets, then I'm happy...totally satisfied...and no need to change a thing!"