Monday, March 26, 2012

A Whirlwind!

Over the last few years, when I met with friends for bible study and prayer, I was led to a new conclusion about coincidence!!

The dictionary defines coincidence as a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance! add GOD to the mix!!

Can you really just believe that something happened by "mere chance." That two people meet, you find that lost money you've been searching for, you get all green lights when you are rushing, a rainbow, ...and the list goes on and on! For most of my life I have attributed these things to just "chance" not God!!

However, as I began praying, studying, and working on my relationship with God, I have started to see these "mere chances" as HIM. He is working to remind me that He is with me and hearing me!

As JC and I prepared to get married, one of our unfinished tasks was deciding what church or denomination we would raise our family in. I have been Catholic all of my life and attended Catholic school. JC was raised protestant and has been attending Baptist church!! So...we have not been quite sure what we wanted to do! Well, once Savanna came to live with us full time, we began to explore this topic even further! We have pretty much at this point found ourselves fitting into the Catholic church...AND studying God's word in our home as well! For some reason us Catholics are not as brushed up on our bible stories as those protestants are!!

So each night we read a bible story out of "My First Study Bible" and then we read devotions for preschoolers! We do this right at the dinner table as soon as we finish eating!!

NOW...listen to this. Just this last week, we read the story about Elijah and Elisha. In order to strengthen Elisha's belief in God and his confidence in God's word, God sent a Chariot of Fire to carry Elijah back to Heaven in a Whirlwind...all so Elisha could witness this! After we finished reading our story, Savanna got her bath and I cleaned up the kitchen. JC and I sat down to watch Jeopardy, which we had recorded earlier, perhaps during dinner!

And as we watched...the answer appeared on the TV, "this carried Elijah up to Heaven on his Chariot of Fire"(something like that)...AND as we both answered "A Whirlwind!" we looked at each other and smiled!! Well, I was more freaking out and JC was just smiling because he knew what I was thinking!!

And in that moment, I told him....that was not just coincidence! That was God and He thinks we are doing a good job!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Horse Riding Party

Saturday, Savanna and I went to a birthday party for a little girl in Mamzy's (my mom) class!! The kids were told to bring a bicycle helmet if they had one. Savanna was very excited about this party and couldn't wait to ride the horses!
When we first got there the kids were told they could ride 3 horses! Savanna started by picking the pony, Annie!
Then she took a ride on Sebo!
And finally, she took a ride and even trotted on Blondie (who looked like a poodle mix horse of some kind)!!!
At the end of the day we were both exhausted, but it was such a great party!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

A few random thoughts!!

1. I absolutely LOVE my salad spinner! I've had it for a while, but it makes life so wonderfully easy!!

2. School...pretend school...just about everyday! I captured today during nap time....I think Belle had to leave the circle because she wasn't being good!





3. A little bloom.....small but important!

4. We saw the Lorax this weekend and I LOVED it!! It wasn't until the very end when I realized how much I loved it!

5. Today was silly shoe/sock day!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Photo Session: Take 1

I've been wanting to practice taking some pictures with my new camera and so I finally convinced my model to do some the weather was nice! I still need quite a bit of the basics of my camera!!!.. But for now I think what turned out was really great! Here are a few of my favorites....only the last two have been edited in Photoshop...because frankly, I need more practice with that as well!

And here it secret to getting Savanna to pose so well!!!! Three oreo cookies and milk!