Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Little Spider Web

I have this one completely amazing guy in my life. He loves me unconditionally and we couldn't imagine our lives without each other. Meet Gabe!!! There's just something about him that I LOVE!!! He is wearing his Glow-In The Dark Spider Web PJs!!! He looks very proud....even when mom put on the spider from her kindergarten Halloween party!

Halloween: Family Edition

So since I don't have any babies to take to the local pumpkin patch, pose on a beautiful pile of hay, and capture the perfect holiday picture....I decided I should take my own. it's no real pumpkin patch, just the local produce mart (with very few pumpkins left)!! I just couldn't resist.Then, on Friday night I joined in on some family pumpkin carving time. I must admit...carving pumpkins brings back such memories and rules we had to establish when I was young.
1. Each child gets a turn to reach in a pull out a pile of "gooey stuff."
2. One picks the eyes design, the other picks the nose design, and then the mouth.
3. Homework had to be done and dinner eaten and cleaned.
Gosh...I thought pumpkin carving day was the greatest. This year did bring back those memories. I went over to Brad and Mary's to help Papa, GiGi, Bradley, and McKenzie with their pumpkin adventures. It was so much fun!!
McKenzie, Giant Pumpkin, Bradley
Papa and McKenzie and Brad and Bradley working on their pumpkin designs.A little sample of what's inside a pumpkin!My Final Product...I think it looks like me...the personality!!! (yes with a bow)!!!
What a Great Night of Pumpkin Carving!!!

The Dream Program

A few years back I started writing grants for The Dream Program, Inc., a unified recreational program for individuals with and without disabilities. I got connected with Troy, the program's director, by one of my former student's parents. I now serve as an Honorary Board Member and seek funding to keep the program running. We have been quite successful and now that I am living in Mobile, I can head over to Ocean Springs, MS more often for some of the events. I also have a good friend Jenny and a cousin Lauren who participate in the program. All kinds of activities are offered including flag football, basketball, softball, bowling, arts and crafts, canoeing, and several others. Water skiing is in the works now. This past week I had a free Wednesday afternoon, so mom and I took a road trip, first stopping by to visit my grandmother and then to the games. This first picture is Jenny and me playing for the Raiders.

Friday, October 30, 2009

ABCs of Me!!

A - Age: 30
B - Bed size:'s just me!
C - Chore you hate: Unloading the dishwasher
D - Dog's name: Gabe
E - Essential start your day item: Throw pillows on the bed (2 of the 6 on weekdays)
F - Favorite color: Pink and Red
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H - Height: 5'7"
I - Instruments you play: Don't
J - Job title: Grant Coordinator
K - Kid(s): Not yet
L - Living arrangements: Me, myself, and I!
M - Mom's name: Mary Anna
N - Nicknames: Stef, Steph, Sister, Beavis Anne
O - Overnight hospital: Knee surgery
P - Pet Peeve(s): Changing the Plans (we make them so we don't have to change them)
Q - Quote from a movie: As Good As it Gets, Melvin Udall, "Don't be pessimistic, it's not your style. Okay, here I go: Clearly, a mistake. I've got this, what - ailment? My doctor, a shrink that I used to go to all the time, he says that in fifty or sixty percent of the cases, a pill really helps. I *hate* pills, very dangerous thing, pills. Hate. I'm using the word "hate" here, about pills. Hate. My compliment is, that night when you came over and told me that you would never... well, you were there, you know what you said. Well, my compliment to you is, the next morning, I started taking the pills."
R - Right or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: 2 Brothers, Stephen and Mitchell
T - Time you wake up: Weekday, 6:00am Weekend, 8:30-9:00am
U - Underwear: Granny panties during the week and red, white, black lace hipsters on the weekends
V - Vegetable you dislike: Almost all...will eat broccoli, cucumber, lettuce, tomato, peas, corn
W - Workout style: Random...hahahaha...walking.
X - X-rays you've had: Knee, ankle, shoulder
Y - Yesterday's best moments: Mexican for lunch with dad and brother
Z - Zoo favorite: time with my Godson we were eating grapes and the orangutan stuck his gigantic hand out and wanted some...we did throw him some after a while.

Ending One Journey and Awaiting the Next

At this exact moment next Friday, Nov. 6, my best friend Shelley and I will each be defending our dissertations.

I began working on my doctorate degree in special education in August 2006 at Auburn University. I have a BS, MEd, EdS, and will have my PhD on December 18 (disclaimer: the number of degrees you have is in no way related to the amount of money you will ever make). I cannot believe it! This is definitely NOT what I imagined or planned for my life. I'm supposed to be at home raising babies and managing a family schedule....but Someone has other plans for me....and I'm learning that my life is blessed. WOW....I'm going to be a Doctor of Philosophy...who would have ever thought that!!!

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Story You Must Read

I ran across this blog, "Lot of Scotts" several weeks ago when I was scanning blog links from other bloggers pages. I could not remember where it was until today. I found it again and I searched for the story I first read in the beginning of this month. I just think it is so touching and happy and unexpected. Just read it and see what you think!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

House Divided or Confused

Last night I went to my Dad's house to watch the Auburn vs. LSU game. Dad is LSU alumni and I'm Auburn alumni x 2. All day he had been sending text messages of him with his blow up Mike the Tiger. He was just getting pumped up...for what turned out to be quite the LSU victory. Anyways...when I got there for the game he had his Mike the Tiger, Christi's Big AL, and he bought me an Aubie!!! TOOOOO FUNNY!!! I loved it!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Think Pink

Honoring my mother by looking out for myself.

Help spread awareness!

My mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer in 1994. She had a partial mastectomy, radiation, and chemo!!! She is here today to talk about it. She thinks she got "it" from chasing the bug man when she was young. You know how they spray that big cloud of poisons....well, my mom and a few other kids (ladies who developed breast cancer) thought it was so funny to chase the bug man. Maybe...maybe not. Either way, it has been a hard fight....and even though she is "cancer free" there is always a fear that something could return. We have had some scares, but everything has worked out okay. For her 55th birthday in May, I got her the Alabama Breast Cancer Research license tag (the gift that keeps on giving....I told her I would pay the $50 fee each year she renews it). She came up with the personalization on her own!!!

I am so proud of her and I will never forget that her life was spared. She is such a good reminder for everyone to get screened and look out for things that just don't seem right. the age of 30, I will begin having my yearly mammograms, starting October 27, 2009! I in no way am looking forward to the "squishing" moment, but I have heard that the bigger the boobs...the less pain!!! (In that case....I should feel Nothing..hahaha). I love you and continue to be inspired by your fight!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloween Costume Decisions!!!

I have been so proud of my costumes for the last couple of years!! I am not sure I could top what I've done in the past. First I was Anna Nicole Smith..07!!! That costume was hilarious....I don't think anyone else what have thought of that...and at first they would say..."Who are you?" but then when I told them they couldn't stop laughing. Then there was Marilyn Monroe-08. Fun....but not as good as the Anna! I'm not sure what this year holds for me.....decisions, decisions, decisions!!! Oh and that's my friend Meghan in 07 as the beer maid!!! Meghan and I lived together during college and then we met again...years later. She's getting married in May to a great man that she met because of me!!!! Yahoo! And then the other picture has Meghan again as a sailor girl and Shelley as a flapper.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October Creations and Celebrations

Reading other blogs has inspired me to be crafty and creative. I love doing little projects, but time and money always come into play. But, this weekend I had a little time and energy so I used some of my talents. First I was so proud of my wrapping job for my cousin Caroline's birthday present.

THEN.....I made some GHOST COOKIES...ooooohhh!!
Nutter Butter Cookies
White Almond Bark
Mini Chocolate Morsels


Mom and I went to Hattiesburg, MS for Caroline's 2nd birthday party and Anna Cooper's Baptism. These girls are my cousin Taylor's babies. We went to mass first for the baptism and then Caroline had a "Costume Party" for her birthday. It was so cute. Caroline and Anna Cooper were elephants (Anna Cooper's hat was so cute but she didn't like it too much). Hiram was Captain America and Hudson was Buzz Light Year. So cute.

Hanging with the Boys!!

One of the treats of living in Mobile now is that I am close to my family. Hiram, my Godson is 5 and Hudson, his little brother is 2. They are my cousin's babies and I love doing things with them. Early this month they came to spend the night with me and we went to see "Suessical the Musical" at the University. A few weeks later I went and stayed with them and we went to see "Playhouse Disney Live." We have tickets to see "Finding Nemo on Ice" in December. I have to admit that I love seeing those shows probably more than them!!! I also got to watch Hiram play soccer early one Saturday morning. These little guys are so special to me. Hiram told his mom one night before he went to sleep, "I just love Steph!" Aaaawwwww....that just makes my day.

Not Me Monday!!!

Oh the shame.....ME??? Not perfect???? Couldn't be....than who???

1. I did not eat a green apple sucker after my 2 year old cousin sucked it for a while (with a runny nose and cough) because I just didn't have anywhere else to put it!!

2. Because I don't have the ESPN-U channel, I did not watch Alabama play instead of listening to my Auburn Tigers' game on the radio!!

3. I never drink chocolate milk in the bed while I'm watching my favorite Sunday night shows. Not Me!! And I never fall asleep before 9:30, Not me!!

Gosh...I can't think of anymore Not Me's...but I'm sure some more will come. Also, I guess because my biggest weakness is seems like all of my Not Me's are food related!!!

Silly Me.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm Reading...well trying!

I have never been a "reader." My mom loves to read and can't get enough but for some reason it is just not a passion of mine. I prefer re-runs on tv or going to bed early. BUT, a good friend of mine has been recommending a book for me to read for a while. She and I are both very anxious people and after reading this book she found some peace, so I decided to give it a try. I'm half way through it, but it is one of those books I flip back to certain chapters to re-read so it's fresh in my mind AND I find myself telling everyone about it and relating it to events in my own life. The book is "Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow. I didn't realize it was so much a spiritual read but I am really enjoying it (not that I'm not into my religion, I just didn't know that was how this book was set-up). Like my title says, I am constantly questioning myself and God, if this is "As Good As it Gets?" I just want to know...I have so many more dreams and desires that sometimes those thoughts keep me from cherishing all the wonderful things in my life at this very moment! Sooo...this book is really helping me to stay focused on allowing God to reveal His plan to me, instead of me being so anxious to help Him out a little.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. here goes my first attempt at Not Me! Monday.

For Wednesday lunch, Thursday dinner, and Friday dinner, I did not eat at the Mexican restaurant, or the same one twice...Not Me.

I did not let my Godson (5) and his brother (2) eat Pringles and Nutter Butter Cookies on my sofa at 10:00pm after we had been to see Seussical the Musical...Not Me!!

I did not eat hot wings on Saturday night until I was so full, I was pretty much miserable the rest of the night...never!

When I was hanging out with my friends watching football, I did not get jealous of their beautiful babies and wish I had that....not for a minute.

I did not put out my brand new scarecrow on my porch (not protected from the rain) right before a huge southern down pour, nor did I feel sorry for him as if he were a real person ;-). Not Me!!

I also did not order a dozen donuts to eat over the weekend nor did I order one extra hot one....just because that's how they taste the best. Not Me!!

See...I'm just so on top of things in my life!!!

Shelley's Wedding

Here are a few pictures from Shelley's wedding. It was the last weekend in September...pretty much the day of the flood!! It rained all day but stopped just before the wedding. Everything turned out great!

Bachelorette Party

We had Shelley's "The Final Fling Before the Ring" in August in Birmingham. The guys went to the lake for the bachelor party so we had the house to ourselves. We had an entire agenda for the night...but once we got to Hogans...we never left! The PINK FLAMINGO!! I had picked up some blow-up pink flamingos at the Dollar Tree just to be funny and to add some pink decorations. Just as we were leaving, I decided to grab one of the turned out to make the night soooo funny! First off, we named him Rufus after the limo driver. Rufus went everywhere and he even had a little leash, so he walked!! When we got to the if the boas were not enough to draw attention to us, I had Rufus. As we were paying our "cover" to get into the bar, I asked "Do I have to pay for Rufus?" The bouncer couldn't see him because he was shorter then the counter, so he kind of looked at me a little crazy like, until I lifted up the pink flamingo, then he looked at me really crazy like. He then responded to my question about paying for Rufus saying "Pink flamingos get in free on Saturday night!" I thought that was the funniest response he could have come back with. I was laughing all night long.

Speaking of Creations

I have been getting tired of my long hair, so to avoid rashly cutting it off, I decided to find an up-do that I could do myself. I studied it for a while and then tried it. I think I've done a pretty good job. I even wore it to a job interview. This picture shows me with the up-do at my friend Shelley's shower (a different one) wearing an orange flower in my hair!! It seemed quite festive.

Cupcake Creation

I wanted to jazz up some cupcakes for a wedding shower I was co-hosting for my best friend, Shelley. I had originally planned to use orange flowers with chocolate icing to match Shelley's wedding colors, but the decor for this shower (using recycled materials) turned out to be purple. So I made some adjustments. Of course they are artificial flowers, so everyone just pulled their flower out before enjoying. I can't wait to try this again! Maybe I should try some football colors. Except for Auburn, I guess I could do blue icing and orange flowers...hhmmmm!