Monday, January 11, 2010

M. I. A. (Missing In Action)

I'm still here!!! I've been busy with life...and what a great life it is!!!

First of all, my graduation finally happened. December 18, 2009. Three long years of writing and working have been completed! I am very proud of my accomplishments! I act as if three years is a long time...but really it is on the shorter end of completing a doctoral degree.

Me in front of Samford Hall before graduation. Freezing and "model style" pose is to keep my hat on!

Me holding my diploma at my after party at my Uncle Bill's in Montgomery. other adventure I have been blessed with is this fine looking man. Very successful and very accomplished...not to mention so sweet to me. It's funny the guys I have convinced myself were good for me and to me. After being with him, no one compares! I actually began praying for him shortly after I moved to Mobile in August and when I finally stopped looking for him...God brought him to a child's birthday party of all places. I am loving every minute we are together and have learned a lot about love and friendship from him already. has only been (almost) two months, but we're both older and I think we know what we are looking for. I can't wait to share more about "our story" together! Side note: He would think my writing about him is a little cheesy...but the best part is...he lets me be myself!! So writing away I am!!

His Birthday dinner December 23. (Actual birthday is Christmas Eve).

My graduation party...yes people...he was there!!

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
Proverbs 4:23


  1. yay Steph!!! so happy for you...on all fronts!!!

  2. Love it and can't wait to meet him! Miss you!!

  3. I loved meeting JC...I am so gladhemakesyou happy :)

    Will y'all be at the wedding this weekend? We have rooms booked and Drew has taken off work but now Anna Cooper has RSV :( But I am still thinking we will be there???

  4. Way to go! You are a beautiful girl, and I am glad to be a new reader! By the way, my brother graduated from AU too! WAR EAGLE
