WARNING: Do not be fooled by this post game celebration look!
Our little 3 year old can set up the bestest tea party, put ponytails in her Barbie's hair and dress herself up in any costume....but play BASKETBALL! Yea right!
The thing is she is on a team for 3 and 4 year olds...but most of the 3 year olds are about to be 4 and the 4 year olds are about to be 5. So she is just too little and she has NO interest.
This is where she spent her one quarter of play time....on the Coach's hip! He's willing, otherwise I'm totally opposed to this! AND....I'm not the momma!
I took her last weekend for the first practice and she cried the entire time. Her mom brought her this weekend....and the same thing! We will see what happens. Her daddy got very mad when she refused to line up and shake hands with the other team!
Hope for better times!
P.S. We also got up very early to go see her play....after JC had landed after midnight the night before...ughghghh!
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