Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Matron of Honor

I continue to be amazed at the way life "works out." Those unexpected events, moments, friendships...that all along God has planned...and we never imagined!

My best friend and matron of honor, Shelley was one of those intended (for God) yet unintended surprises for me! It's kind of a long story so bear with me! Here is a time line to help before I start writing.2001-Both graduated with Bachelor's in special education from Auburn
2006-Both are admitted to the doctoral program in special education at Auburn.....and then here's the story!Shelley and I were what I like to call "school friends" during our undergraduate programs. We knew each other in class and always worked together and had fun....but outside of class we really didn't do too much together! After we graduated in August 2001...we went our separate ways! We were in different states....and I'm not sure facebook really even existed then...either way...we didn't keep in touch. No real need too...or so we thought!!
Then, in August of 2006, five years later...we both (unknowingly) moved to Auburn, got our own apartments, did our interviews, and were both about to begin...what I consider....one of our greatest adventures/accomplishments. I remember meeting with my major professor who asked me if I remembered Shelley from undergrad? I kind of did...but come on...five years! She told me that she gave Shelley my number and sure enough.....Shelley called and we met for dinner!!!! And so began.....a friendship!!!

Our entire doctoral programs were identical....not our areas of research....but everything else. We both got our same minor in leadership, we had the same doctoral committee, we took our comprehensive exams at the same time, we presented our papers at the same time, defended our dissertations at the same time (were even there to support the other)...AND we walked across the stage at the SAME TIME!!!! Together we completed that HUGE journey together....and became PhDs, Doctors, whatever....we did it!!!

So....the bond Shelley and I share is indescribable. Because....what I HAVE NOT mentioned were all the in-betweens....the life part of all those three years!!! The laughter, tears, fear, finances, relationships, families, football, internships, writing, presenting, traveling, worrying, working, and MAKING it through everything!!!

And so on my big day.....Shelley will be by my side...for what now will be my greatest accomplishment!!!

And the rest......well.....we have just about been inseparable...except that we now live in different cities! BUT...we share our "new" amazing journeys together!!


  1. How awesome! I am a bit emotional these days LOL so I teared up reading this because a bond with a friend is priceless....I have a bestie since I was in diapers and we both have been through so much together and we can go a month or so without getting together ya know with kids and all it is a little difficult sometimes and then we just catch up where we left off we do talk like every other day though...

    Um I am lovin' that you dressed up as Marilynn Monroe....you look so stinkin cute how ADORABLE :0)

    I am glad you will have your bestie by your side....that is awesome....your fiance is one lucky dude

    Summer :0)

  2. So sweet- best friends are awesome! I loved having a variety of friends with me on my special day- 2 from elementary school, 2 from college, 1 from graduate school, 1 from my first "real job", 3 cousins, and my sister in law- it was perfect and yours will be too!
    PS- Has your sweet MOH started planning a bach party- we have some really fun casinos on the coast :)
