Monday, September 13, 2010

Birthdays and More Birthdays!

Need I say more.......
On September 7th Savanna turned 3 and to celebrate we hosted her a "Barbie" swim party on Saturday!!! I'm guessing we had around 50 people at the house!! It was great. We served hot dogs and hamburgers and chips and dips. I had ordered a 1/2 sheet cake.....and boy was I glad I did! At the end of the day we had 4 pieces left!! We also had made 18 goodie bags and had to scramble to make a few more based on how many people came!! Savanna had a great time and opened (what seemed like) a million presents!!!

Note-we had planned to eat cake and ice cream outside...but a little shower came up just in time!!!

The Barbie Cake from Sams....and it tasted awesome!

Savanna and her cousin Isabella!

Lots of people....and this wasn't even half!!

Lighting the candles!!
The Singing!!! I think she LOVES this part!!
Blow them out!!!!

Hiram and Hudson enjoying....Hudson wasn't waiting on his spoon!!!
She wanted the Barbie piece!

Ashlyn getting ready to dive in!
Zachary is keeping warm inside!
Kenny and his family...watching football!
Mark and Jack
The Kiddos

Jack and Grant enjoying cake and ice cream!
Savanna eating her "Barbie" piece of the cake!

Elizabeth enjoying her burger!

Some kids eating cake and ice cream (inside only because a brief shower came up)

I'm gearing up for this marathon of present opening!

Me and EVERYONE helping!!!

One of her many dress-up items.

She is sizing up the Sleeping Beauty Costume!!!
(Notice she is wearing it in the next picture)

After everyone left except for my cousins, Hiram and Hudson (ring bearer), playing with Cinderella's Castle!

We had the party from 10-1 so that she could make her nap time.....after we put her down at around 2:30....she shortly came out of her room dressed up and playing...NO NAP!!! And she was happy! Needless to say....she lounged around all day on Sunday!!

Well....only until 3:30 which is when we hosted ANOTHER party for my dad and brother!!! Both of their birthdays are this week so I had my dad's family over for swimming and eating!!!

My Dad and my brothers, Stephen and Mitchell

The Gang eating at the table!

The Birthday Boys

Bailey's beautiful writing on the cake!!!

We had some fabulous parties...but I am tired....and now I have to clean again just to get my house back in order!!!

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,
    Girlie are you brave or what LOL....two swimming parties in one weekend...whooo I got tired reading this post LOL....I went to my besties little girl's swimming party at her mom's in ground pool with miss Kelcee a couple weeks ago and girlie there was like 50 people there and I was one tired momma and I didn't host it just help take pics so I can only imagine how tired you are so good to Savanna she is super lucky to have you :0) Look at all her gifts how presh....Love the costume...Kelcee and Savanna would get along great....Kelcee loves dressing up as house is gorg....glad the party was amazing, that cake looks so pretty and yummy I heart Sams has great cakes....we just ordered Kelcee's from Walmart and I am wondering if it will taste like Sam's since they are affilated with each other....I have never had Walmart's cake either LOL

    So Happy Bday to Savanna your Dad and your brother...

    and get some rest pretty girl,

    Summer :0)
