Monday, November 9, 2009


It is so hard to believe that the big day has come and gone...Dissertation Defense Date...that is. This day for me was like planning my wedding or my took 3.5 years. So forgive me now if I tend to celebrate too much!! This is the journey my life has taken me on....and I could not be any happier....what an accomplishment!!! I told myself I could do it by the time I was 30....AND I'm still 30.

I drove up to Auburn on Thursday, November 5 to prepare for my presentation. First I stopped to get my hair done of course. I have the BEST hair stylist ever...I have no plans on changing any time soon. Anyways, I met with my professor, Dr. Rabren, on Thursday afternoon. We edited my presentation and did a practice run-through. All this time I was there, so was Shelley. She was scheduled to present at 8:30 am on Nov. 6 and then I was scheduled at 10:00 am. We finally left the infamous Haley Center at 7:00 pm on Thursday to head for the lake. We had a quick dinner at Niffer's and then hurried to get our refreshments made and get some sleep.
So Friday morning was the big day. I slept pretty well, only had a small fight with my pantyhose, and was feeling pretty confident. Everything went as planned. After my presentation, my committee (the 5 below) asked me to leave the room. A few minutes later, they asked me to come back in and said "Congratulations Dr. Zito!!" AND of course I burst into tears. My mom has always said that I was one of those girls who holds up well during the stress, but when it's over....I let loose.

My Major Professor and Advisor, Dr. Rabren

My Doctoral Committee
Me...Laughing....NO...nothing was this funny...But I guess I had a good time.


  1. so proud of you Steph!!! what an accomplishment!!! you rock!!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so excited for you, Dr. Zito!!!!! - Much Love - Bridget
