Monday, July 19, 2010

Skating Party

This weekend my Godson Hiram was turning 6 and we were invited to his skating party. We had Savanna so it gave us a nice outing on Saturday. Savanna had so much fun. I have learned quickly how unpredictable these little ones can be....even when I feel like I have taken every precaution for the day to be pleasant!!! Thank Goodness...she was fabulous! The skating rink had those little kid skates that fit onto theirs shoes....and GUESS WHAT??? They were Barbie and pink and purple....that was an immediate smile!! We went around and around the rink, me and Daddy taking turns.

Here she is...just got the skates on!
The Birthday Boy!Daddy and Savanna making the rounds!Admiring her skates....I imagine she will get several pairs for her birthday!
Me and SavannaShe found a "child-size" bench and felt really grown-up!Hiram and his family....Hudson wasn't his jolly self!
You know it was a fun time when it ends like this!
P.S. I should say that her outfit (my cousin Taylor's daughter Caroline has one just like it) was purchased for half-price...I found it one day and loved it.....thank goodness I could afford it!


  1. Love that outfit where did you get it? She is so cute! I love the barbie skate things to go over her shoes super wear are ya'lls skates and your fiance should so have to wear skates (Just kidding), my hubby always tells me that to and Im like if I wore skates I would brake something....

    Sounds like fun party and any party that ends in the kiddo asleep in the car is a total sucess

    You look so pretty girl I love your outfit :)

    Summer ;0)

  2. We got ours half price too...but, carolines only came with the balloon and anna coopers had a balloon and ice cream cone- what appliques did savanna get with hers? Caroline was robbed an ice cream cone :)
